Omar Adnan Abdallat

Cartoonist - Producer

Omar is…

An award winning Jordanian British cartoonist

An internationally acclaimed cartoonist and a change advocate

A public and motivational speaker

Social media activist with several awards for outstanding online presence

A seasoned trainer and lecturer in creative production, drawing, caricature, creative thinking, social media engagement through art

A women's and youth's rights advocate

Worked in creative production and was a driver of creativity in many renowned companies, such as; Rubicon, Abu Mahjoob, Kharabeesh

An active member of Cartoon Movement and Tomato Cartoons

Created several characters that became national symbols and are associated with Jordanians and youth, such as, Awad Abu Shiffeh & Abu Samra ,Al Sheikh Khafash, Al Zaeem

Published over 2000 cartoons and 500 videos

Co-authored and co-produced several online shows such as Mone3a Fil Seen (Banned from China), a satirical Jordanian show starring Ahmad Hasan Al Zubi

Created and supervise a regionally acclaimed YouTube channel and its characters (3ala Rasi) that is ranked 8th in popularity regionally according to Forbes and has been awarded the silver award by YouTube

Active on social media platforms and has over 100,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Won many awards for his work in cartoon and social media presence, such as the YouTube silver award for "3ala Rasi", Arab Spring from "This is Amesterdam", Holland, and Naji Al Ali Award from Turkey


Motivational and inspirational speaker who participated in many local, regional and international events, such as but not limited to TEDxOPorto in Portugal in 2015, Al Doha 8th convention held by Al Jazeera in 2014

TEDxPSUT talk on YouTube

TEDxOPorto talk on YouTube


Held several key exhibitions for his work in Jordan and abroad, amongst the organizers were, Jordanian Women Association, Jordanian Royal Court where he exhibited his works in front of HM King Abdullah II, also in Cairo Egypt and Jordanian governorates .

Enjoy Omar's Cartoons here

Pencil: A collection of Omar's favorite cartoons on Souq Fann

Omar's Profile on Cartoon Movement


Advocate of women's and youth's rights and has been selected as a Jordanian icon in the campaign against violence against women by United Nations and Dutch Embassy.


Trained and held many workshops on creative production, caricature, out-of-the-box thinking, drawing, social media engagement, tolerance and human rights and expression, amongst which were Jordanian Women Association workshops that were held across Jordanian governorates .

In the Media

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